Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My Introduction

Hello everybody that is reading my blog!

This is actually the first time I have attempted to make a blog about anything so it is kind of nerve wrecking but it's alright. I'm sure I can handle it.
First and foremost, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Steven Wang and I am attending University of South Florida as a second semester freshman. I am here to major in computer science because it has always been my passion to be able to code and create something just from typing. 
The main reason why I am making this blog is because it is an assignment from my ART3616 class (aka Computer Animations). From the very moment I heard about this class I was astonished because this is actually the first class I can take that is somewhat related to computers! I am quite excited to learn about animations and creating several different models on my computer to represent my knowledge on computer animations. Hopefully I will be able to learn a ton from this course!!

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